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Lehigh Carbon Community College

有兴趣将目前的F1签证和I-20签证转到LCCC的学生, should begin this process as soon as possible. Processing of the I-20 can take up to 15 days. 没有完成大学水平数学或英语的学生必须完成分班测试. 所有获得学分的大学的正式成绩单必须寄给LCCC. If you have any questions, please email them to

Checklist and Instructions -请将此表格连同申请表及经济担保书一并列印. This checklist will help ensure that you haven’t missed anything.

  1. Application for Admission -该文件必须打印并与字母B的所有文件一起发送. below to the International Student Advisor.
  2. Financial Resource Statement – Affidavit of Support – You must print one per sponsor. 此文件必须打印并与字母A的所有文件一起发送. above to the International Student Advisor.
    1. Students with F1 Visas are not permitted unauthorized employment; therefore their sponsor is required to provide enough evidence to prove the student will not need to work for the duration of their studies.
    2. 必须为每个经济担保人打印一份经济担保书(第1页和第2页). If you only have one person providing all support to you, then you need only print one form front and back. 如果一个担保人提供住房,另一个担保人提供货币资金, then you must print two pages front and back.
    3. 你的经济担保人必须提供证据,证明有足够的资金支付你第一年的学费和生活费(大约34美元),有足够的收入来支付你在美国学习期间的费用.S. 证明,以税务和工资信息的形式和银行对账单(s)是必需的.
      • Approximately $14,000 for tuition for one academic year.
      • 大约17400美元用于住房、食物、书籍和其他用品(这是一个非常低的数额).
      • Approximately $2,000 for health insurance.
      • Dependents-Supplemental Information Form for Dependents
        • 配偶或任何受抚养人在任何情况下都不得接受工作.
        • If a spouse is accompanying the student, $6,000 must be added; for each child add $4000.
    4. 在每个宣誓书的第二页有一个空间供经济担保人签名,说明他/她接受对学生的经济责任. If you are unsure what this means, please email the international student advisor for clarification before sending your packet; your application will not be accepted without it.
    5. All documents submitted must be in English and in U.S. dollars.
  3. Transfer In Request Form -打印此表格并将其交给您当前的国际学生顾问.
    • 通知你现在学校的国际顾问你有兴趣转到LCCC. 打印申请转账表格,交给你的导师填写并传真(610-799-1009)或邮寄到表格上列出的地址.

Submit copies of your current I-20, passport and visa/I-94 with your International Student Application.

  1. Tuition Deposit and Application fee – $1,650 tuition deposit and $30 application fee ($1,680 total) to be submitted with application packet.
    • As part of the application packet, 未来的国际学生必须提交1美元的学费押金,650. This deposit is partial pre-payement of the first semester’s tuition.
    • 一旦你到达并注册课程,它将从你第一学期的学费账单中扣除.
    • 如果您选择不参加LCCC或您的申请被拒绝, simply contact the international student advisor and inform her that a refund will be required; you will also need to return your I-20. The application fee is non-refundable.
    • Checks must be drawn from a U.S. bank and be payable in U.S. dollars to LCCC.
  2. High School and College Transcripts
    • If you are interested in one of our health care majors, you must have your high school record sent to LCCC; if you completed high school in your home country, it must be evaluated by a credential evaluation agency such as World Evaluation Services or Education Credential Evaluators. 如果你还没有在美国完成大学水平的写作课程.S. 在参加学位必修课程之前,你需要做英语作为第二语言的测试.
    • In order to meet our credit-level ESL courses students should an intermediate or advanced command of the English language; as proof students should have minimum scores for  TOEFL score of 75 or  IELTS score of 6.5. An official score sheet is required as part of the application packet. 完成相当于eng105且成绩为C或更高的学生应提交正式的大学记录作为证明.
    • 请让你的学院将正式成绩单寄给国际学生顾问. To be considered official, 它必须盖章,并直接从你的学院邮寄到LCCC.
  3. Completed Application
    • Letters A., B., and C. 以上内容必须打印并与所有必需的文件一起发送,并与支付给LCCC的支票或汇票一起发送,金额为1美元,680.

如果您希望亲自交付您的申请包,请致电610-799-1577或发送电子邮件 to schedule an appointment.

You may also mail the packet to:
Mrs. Christine K. Flores, International Student Advisor, Lehigh Carbon Community College, 4525 Education Park Drive, Schnecksville, PA 18078. After all materials are received and reviewed; you will be notified by LCCC of you acceptance status. Please allow at least ONE week for processing.

If accepted, 您必须在转让释放日期后15天内安排预约, with the International Student Advisor; you will then be issued a new I-20 which will reflect your transfer to LCCC.

Special Transfer Topics:

  • If you will be traveling outside of the United States before 如果你参加了LCCC,你必须在离开美国之前获得新的I-20.S. It will also be helpful to register for classes before you leave.
  • 您需要将所有学院的正式成绩单发送给国际学生顾问. 非正式成绩单只能用于选课期间的先决条件验证.
  • 如果您决定不转学,请立即通知外国学生顾问.
  • If a student completes a course of study or OPT, 在60天的宽限期结束后,学生有资格转学. 请注意在新学校开始学习的5个月的开始日期限制:你不能留在美国.S. 如果你转学到另一所学校,并且在转学后的5个月内没有开始上课.
  •  如果学生目前在OPT, OPT在转学时自动终止.