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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Request an ILL: Please use the linked form to request an ILL.

馆际互借是指图书馆之间的图书和其他资料的借阅. If, after checking the resources of this library, we do not have the book(s) or periodical article(s) that you need, we will then try to obtain them for you from other libraries. 这项服务只适用于目前的学分学生和LCCC的工作人员.


Who may use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services?

LCCC的在职教职员工和学分学生都有资格享受这项图书馆服务. Other library patrons should check with their local public library.

How long will it take for my materials to arrive?

接收所需资料的时间通常取决于借阅图书馆的位置和资料的类型. Books from Pennsylvania libraries usually arrive in 2 to 7 days. Out of state books take longer. Articles often arrive as electronic documents within 1 to 4 days.  Postal delivery of articles adds a few more days. 为你的研究需要留出足够的时间,因为有些书可能需要3周的时间才能到达. The peak demand time for ILL requests is in the middle of each semester, so plan ahead during this time.

What if I need it today?

联系图书管理员,我们会找到最近的有这种资源的当地图书馆. You can then visit this local library. 你可能无法在一些当地的学术图书馆借书.

How much does it cost?

Almost all ILL requests at LCCC are free.  We always borrow from free sources if possible. If there are no free sources, 在我们继续之前,我们将与您联系,并给您一个估计,看看您是否还需要该项目. 遗失或损坏的物品由借用者负责,并须缴付补领费.

How do I submit a request?

First check the Library’s catalog, WorldCat to be sure we do not already own this material. For articles check Full-Text Periodicals: Electronic & Print 看看是否可以从图书馆的数据库中获得完整的文章. 如果找不到,请提交馆际互借在线申请表格.  Include as much of the requested information as possible. 视听和录音请求可以在图书表格上输入.
请包括所有要求的信息,特别是你的l#和大学(@mymail) email address. After you submit the form, a confirmation screen will appear. If you see the confirmation screen, 那么你就知道请求已经发送给馆际互借馆员了.

  • If you need help with your citation, decoding an abbreviation, verifying a reference, or finding additional or substitute sources, just ask a librarian at the Service Desk (610-799-1150).
  • Hints:  Don’t guess at an abbreviated journal title. Just enter it the way you found it. 添加任何额外的信息,将帮助图书馆管理员获得你想要的项目在其他信息字段. This might be Spanish language only needed, only the most recent edition, chapter of a book, a specific edition, DVD only, ERIC number, LCCC copy is missing, etc.

What types of materials may be requested through Interlibrary Loan?

All material types may be requested, 但这项服务通常用于图书和期刊文章的请求. 我们将尝试获取任何类型的资料,但以下资料可能无法获得或难以通过馆际互借获得:

  • 录影带、dvd、cd和其他视听物品并非所有图书馆都出借. But we will try to obtain these materials for you.
  • Requests which exceed copyright limitations may not be obtained.
  • 通过馆际互借获得的图书不得在罗斯洛克图书馆保留.
  • LCCC拥有的材料将不会被要求,除非该物品处于丢失状态, missing, or on order. If a book is checked out at LCCC, we will place a hold on it for you.
    • Non-circulating materials such as reference books, maps, bound periodicals, whole issues of periodicals, reserve materials, rare or archival
    • Ebooks are not lent. We may be able to attain a single chapter from a non-fiction book.
    • Genealogical material is not lent by some libraries. The Library of Congress does not lend genealogical items.
    • Computer software is not lent.
    • 许多图书馆不借出当年出版的书或非常新的书.
    • 论文或学位论文通常只有在图书馆拥有不止一份副本的情况下才会被借出. They can be purchased from UMI Dissertation Express.
    • Textbooks are usually not found in libraries.

Do I have to know which libraries own the book or journal I need?

不,我们会寻找最近的,最快的,免费的图书馆,将他们的资料借给LCCC. LCCC将搜索诸如WorldCat这样的数据库,该数据库在10多个国家拥有超过20亿条记录,000 libraries around the world.

How will I know when my ILL item has arrived?

  • 教职员工将收到一封发送到LCCC邮箱和/或电话的电子邮件,说明物品已经到达,并已在办公室间信封中发送到LCCC邮箱.
  • 学生将收到一封发送到LCCC学生邮箱和/或电话的电子邮件,说明物品已经到达. 然后他们可以在schnecsville的Rothrock图书馆的服务台取书.
  • Students, faculty, 摩根中心的塔玛奎LCCC和唐利中心的艾伦镇LCCC的工作人员可以在ILL申请表上要求将物品送到他们的中心领取. 学生将收到一个电话和/或一封发送到他们的LCCC学生邮箱的电子邮件,说明项目已发送到中心,并将在1或2天内可提取.
  • 任何人都可以通过登录来检查他们的ILL请求的状态 My Library Account found on the library’s main web page. 您当前已签出的ILL项目将在您单击签出项目按钮后列出. 单击“ILL requests”按钮后,将列出其他ILL请求.

How many items may I request?

Students may have 10 ILL requests in process at the same time. As each of these arrives, they may request more if needed. Staff and faculty do not have a limit, but all of their requests might not be processed at the same time.

How long may I keep an item?

我们借阅的每个图书馆决定了你可以使用一本书的时间. Most loans are for about 3 weeks. LCCC必须在到期日之前归还图书,以保持在借阅图书馆的良好信誉. Interlibrary Loan is a privilege extended by the lending library. If the lending library recalls your ILL item, you must return it to the Service Desk as soon as possible. A few ILL items may only be used in the Rothrock Library. Photocopies of articles are yours to keep.

May I renew an ILL book?

只有在特殊情况下,才可以申请ILL材料的续期. If you need a renewal, 你应该在原到期日之前联系服务台(610-799-1150)或馆际互借馆员(610-799-1163). ILL items cannot be renewed online. 在我们通过电话或电子邮件通知您新的截止日期之前,您可以继续使用材料. 借出图书的图书馆将决定新的到期日或拒绝续借请求.

Where do I return the ILL book?

外借图书应归还到schnecsville Rothrock图书馆服务台(不是馆际互借部)。. 教师和工作人员可以把它们放在办公室间的信封里寄到服务台. Students at LCCC Tamaqua at the Morgan Center, LCCC Allentown的唐利中心或LCCC应将ILL书归还给他们中心的主要办公室,后者将把它们送到罗斯罗克图书馆. Please keep any paperwork in the book when it is returned. Photocopies do not need to be returned. 学生必须在学期结束前还书,否则成绩可能会被封号.

What happens if I lose my ILL book?

如遗失或损坏外借图书,你须缴付外借图书馆所订定的费用. 滥用ILL特权的赞助人可能会受到限制或限制其ILL特权.

Who do I contact if I have a question about ILL?